Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This isn't going to be a huge blog, primarily because I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done. I could go into great detail as to why I don't have enough time in the day, but instead I am rejoicing because both of my kiddos are sleeping.... sometimes the sound of quiet is so beautiful!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well I guess it is about time that I actually give you all another post. So apparently I was good at updating information for a whole week, then took a couple of months off! Sorry. So I guess some of my friends who refuse to use facebook (why I don't know - maybe because it takes up way too much time), have finally at least started blogs, so I guess I will try and keep this a little more up to date. So far, Amelia is now officially almost potty trained and Jackson is o so close to sitting all by himself. Well that is our up to date information to get you all caught up from the past couple of months, hopefully I will have lots of cool things to let you know about tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well apparently I am not so great at this blog stuff now that I am offically back to work. Good news, Jackson had his well baby visit yesterday. He is now 11 lbs 14 oz... we like to call him our tank. He is otherwise really healthy. Amelia also had the opportunity to come to Jackson's well baby visit. It was so cute, she thought that it would be better if she had Jackson's shots so that he didn't have to be upset. Well that's it for now, perhaps I will have something a little more insightful tomorrow (not too likely though)....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well, not a whole lot to write about today, but I feel like I should keep my streak going of actually posting so no big news of the day... except that I have to go back to work "officially" tomorrow. In honor of our last little bit of freedom, Stacy and I decided to do a few last minute things. I am not sure why, but whenever we plan glorious outings random events happen. As for us, I am pretty sure that Stacy is not going to be eating Thai for a while, at least not in Factoria...

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School...

Well today was my babies first day of "school", well daycare. Amelia is an old pro, however as you can see she was a little tired and definitely didn't want to participate in any photo op. She thought that she could ride on a bus... not the "mama bus". Jackson on the other hand was very excited!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Veggie Tales

Well, my Miss Amelia can always put a smile on my face. Today while driving (which really who are we kidding happens everyday for way too long), being a good mom I gave her some green beans. She was soooo excited to get a whole ziplock bag full of them. However she didn't want to eat them, they became her "friends". She had them dancing, sleeping, and even talking. So needless to say we had a very hard time eating and "saying goodbye" to the green beans. Oh well, maybe I will try carrots tomorrow....

Friday, August 22, 2008

Trial or should I say trials....

Well here goes. Here is the first of potentially many blogs to come. Hopefully I will be a cool mom and be able to post pictures and let everyone know what is going on in the Rock household. As of right now, everyone is napping, which is allowing me this glorious time to attempt to figure out how to do this. I hope this finds everyone well, we can't wait to get comments.

The Rocks....